Individual Software Development
The requirements for operational and strategic tasks in companies are diverse and are becoming increasingly dynamic. Numerous standardized software solutions are therefore already being used to support individual tasks and entire processes. Many problems are very individual or company-specific, so that existing software products do not offer sufficient support. For specific use cases, the targeted development of an individual software solution is often the appropriate alternative.
Therefore, in addition to offering professional apps for production management, we also implement customized software projects with our customers. Our goal is to develop user-oriented tools – whether to create transparency, to support decisions or to automatically evaluate different questions. Through individual programming, we meet the specific requirements of our customers and implement the necessary functionalities through innovative user interfaces, visualizations and interfaces.
For implementation, we rely on agile development processes and our many years of experience. The concrete implementation is diverse, e.g. as a Java-based web tool, specific database, individual application for the shop floor or industrial Excel tool. The subsequent hosting is also carried out based on our customers’ requirements on GPMC servers for continuous availability or on company servers for exclusive availability.
- Joint development of the necessary requirements
- Individual and fast implementation
- Exclusive or user-based access
- Extensive data integration through import and export functions
- Implementation of network design tools
- Development of digital shop floor management systems
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