MIORI Production Control

Analyze and Optimize Complex Production Relationships

Analyze and optimize your complex production relationships with MIORI Production Control. The web app enables you to evaluate the status of your production and carry out structured “what-if” analyses in the form of scenario comparisons. With automated model generation and support for data preparation, manual effort is effectively reduced. The results of the simulated production status are visualized in central key figures and can be evaluated in a targeted and intuitive manner using suitable filter functions. Integrated import and export functions also allow the web app to be easily integrated into your processes.

Learn More About The Functionalities and Visualizations of MIORI Production Control

If you scroll down further, you will learn about the functionalities and visualizations of MIORI Production Control in detail.

Gantt Chart

In order to specifically analyze the production status and identify potential, MIORI Production Control offers users the opportunity to carry out relevant evaluations of the production status. The Gantt chart shown here as an example visualizes the corresponding occupancy and machine status for each resource and thus enables a simplified identification of weak points. Using the filters, users can specifically select the observation period, resources and production orders.

Gantt Chart
Termintreue - Vergleich

Comparison of Two Scenarios (deadline compliance)

In addition to evaluating individual production scenarios, different simulated scenarios can be compared directly with each other or with the base scenario in the comparison view. This allows the punctuality shown here and other production key figures such as capacity utilization or throughput times to be visualized. Detailed analyses can be generated by using filters for orders, machines and observation periods.

Overview -
Simulation Projects

Listing all simulation projects in one overview ensures low-effort, holistic management of all simulation projects and the associated scenarios. Each scenario can be named individually and the most important key figures can be seen at a glance. The dropdown menu allows you to select additional functions, such as creating a new scenario.

Übersicht - Simulationsprojekte

Data Entry and Processing

When creating a production scenario, the first step is to import the required production data. For this purpose, MIORI Production Control offers a structured upload option with which the data can be uploaded together or individually. To increase the meaningfulness and reliability of the simulation results, which are directly dependent on the data quality, MIORI Production Control supports structured troubleshooting and error correction after the data has been uploaded.

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